University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Hahlić 6
51000 Rijeka, Croatia


Date of birth: 1961


  • 1984 – jurist, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law
  • 1987 – barrister, Ministry of Justice, Zagreb
  • 1989-1992 – Master of law (LLM), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Zagreb
  • 2001 – Doctor of law (PhD), University of Split, Faculty of Law, Split


  • 1984-1987 – Law Office MARIC, Zagreb, Šenoina 1, 10000 Zagreb
  • 1990-2002 – Research assistant – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Adriatic Institute, Frane Petrića 4, Zagreb
  • 2007-2013 – Associate Professor, Head of the Maritime and Transportation Law Department, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
  • 2013-2018 – Full Professor, Head of the Maritime and Transportation Law  Department, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
  • Since 2018 – Full Professor Tenure, Head of the Maritime and Transportation Law Department, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law


  • 1990 – Halifax, Canada – International Ocean institute – Training Programme on Marine  Resources Management
  • 1996 – Southampton – Institute of Maritime Law – Maritime Law


  • Integrated Study of Law (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Professional Study (Administrative Study Programme): Maritime and Transport Law, Maritime Administrative Law, Marine Environment Protection Law and Environment Protection Law
  • Postgraduate Specialist Study in Corporate Finance Law and Specialist Study: Law of  European Integrations, European Environment Protection Law and Basic Ship Finance and Security Instruments in Shipping
  • Doctoral study: Marine Environment Protection Law
  • Mentor at the doctoral study (3 students)


Languages: Croatian, English, Italian


Scientific projects

  • 2007-2013: “Croatian Maritime Legislation, International Standards and the EU Law” (researcher), funded by CMSES
  • 2002-2007: ”Croatian Maritime Law and International Standards’ (researcher), funded by CMSES
  • 1996-2002: ”Theory and Practice of Croatian Maritime Legislation, International Unification of Maritime Law and Codification of Law of the Sea” 101001 (researcher), funded by CMSES
  • 1990-1995: “Drafting Croatian Maritime Legislation” 5-03—026 (researcher),  funded by CMSES
  • 2006-2009: ‘’Regional Cooperation and Marine Pollution in Adriatic Sea, Expert Study on Ship Based Oil Pollution in the Adriatic Sea’’ (researcher), funded by Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway;
  • 2016-2019: “Developing a Modern Legal and Insurance Regime for Croatian Marinas – Enhancing Competitiveness, Safety, Security and Marine Environmental Standards (DELICROMAR)” UIP-2013-11-3061 (researcher) funded by Croatian Science Foundation

Conferences and seminars

Active participation on 40 international and national scientific conferences and seminars

Membership in Editorial Boards

  • Assistant of Editor, Comparative Maritime Law = Poredbeno pomorsko pravo
  • The International Transport Law Review = Časopis za međunarodno transportno pravo

Professional and scientific associations

  • Croatian Maritime Law Association, Vice-president, 1992-2018
  • Croatian Transport Law Association, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Titulary member of the Comité Maritime International (CMI) since September 2022.

Professional Activities

  • Member of the Expert Working group for drafting 1994 Croatian Maritime Code and  2004 Croatian Maritime Code and its 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2013 Amendments
  • Consultant of the Ministry of Sea, Traffic and Infrastructure for the international maritime agreements (1995-on)
  • Member of the Organization and Scientific Committee of the International Transport Law Conference (INTRANSLAW)



  1. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    International Regime on Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage.
    Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Adriatic Institute, Zagreb, 2002.
  2. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    Marine Pollution from Ship’s – International and National Law Rules.
    Faculty of Law Rijeka, Rijeka, 2009.


  1. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    Uvođenje poreza po tonaži broda u pomorsko zakonodavstvo Republike Hrvatske (The
    Introduction of a Tonnage Tax Regime into the Croatian Maritime Legislation). //
    Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, Vol. 50 (2011), No. 165,
    pp. 75-89.
  2. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    Direktiva EU o onečišćenju mora s brodova i nadležnosti obalnih država (The EU
    Directive on Ship-source Pollution and on the Jurisdiction of the Coastal States). //
    Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Rijeci (Collective Papers of the University of Rijeka Faculty of Law), Vol. 32 (2011), No. 2, pp. 857-867.
  3. Ćorić, Dorotea; Šantić, Ivo.
    Nadzor sigurnosti plovidbe i utvrđivanje prekršajne odgovornosti (Monitoring the Safety
    of Navigation and Determining the Criminal Liability). // Pravni vjesnik: Journal of Law
    and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Law, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vol. 28 (2012), No. 12, pp.79-95.
  4. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    Pravni okvir za suzbijanje piratstva na moru (Legal Framework for Suppression of Marine Piracy). // Naše more (International Journal of Marine Science and Technology),
    Dubrovnik, Vol. 59, No. 1-2, 2012, pp 50-60.
  5. Ćorić, Dorotea; Pijaca, Marija.
    Indemnity Clause in Standard Bareboat Charter: BARECON 2001. // Zbornik radova s VI. Međunarodne konferencije o pomorskoj znanosti – Book of Proceedings / 6th
    International Maritime Science Conference – IMSC, Solin, 2014, pp. 309-315.
  6. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    Utjecaj europskog prava zaštite okoliša na pomorski prijevoz ulja morem (The Impact of
    the European Environmental Law on the Carriage of Oil by Sea). // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, Vol. 54 (2015), No. 169, pp. 533- 541.
  7. Ćorić, Dorotea; Tuhtan Grgić, Iva.
    Istraživanje i eksploatacija ugljikovodika na Jadranu: problem izvanugovorne
    odgovornosti za onečišćenje mora u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu (Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in the Adriatic: The Problem of Non- contractual Liability
    for the Pollution in the Croatian Law). // Naše more (International Journal of Marine Science and Technology), Vol. 62, No. 4, Supplement, 2015, pp. 113-119.
  8. Ćorić, Dorotea.
    The Meaning and Use of the Term Ship in the Croatian Maritime Legislation. // Il Diritto Marittimo, Quaderni 3, 2016 – The Ship: An Example of Legal Pluriflication-Qualification, pp. 231-247.
  9. Ćorić, Dorotea; Padovan, A. V.; Čičovački, L.
    Prevention of Pollution by Yachts Sewage in the Ports of Nautical Tourism – The Legal
    Framework. // Book of Proceedings / 7th International Maritime Science Conference –
    IMSC, Solin, 2017, pp. 381-394.
  10. Ćorić, Dorotea.Marine Pollution from Seabed Activities – Croatian Liabilty Regime. Il Diritto Marittimo, Vol. I, Gennaio – Marzo 2017, pp. 47-64.

Participation in Conferences (selected)

  1. European Maritime Day, EU Maritime Law and Policy, Protection of the Marine Environment, Safety of Sea, Ports and the Adriatic/Mediterranean Sea, Portorož,
    Slovenia, 18th May 2012, presentation title: “The Croatian Legal Frameworkfor the Prevention of Pollution form Ships”
    (published on www.dpss-mlas/si/en/eu-maritime-day/2012 ).
  2. Adriatic Spill Conference, Opatija, 15-16 May 2013, presentation title: “International
    Regime for HNS Spills Damage Compensation” (with M. P. Miler, PhD).
  3. Conference organized by Croatian maritime Association – The Latest Amendments to
    the Maritime Act and other current issues of Maritime Law, Malinska 10-11 October, 2013., presentation title: “Prevention of Marine Pollution according tothe Maritime Act”.
  4. Conference Croatian Maritime Domain and Seaports Legislation and Other Relevant Topics of Maritime and Transport Law, Mali Losinj, May 2015, presentation title:
    “Liability and compensation for pollution from offshore activities” (with Assoc. Prof. Iva Tuhtan Grgić, PhD).
  5. ENER-MAR-CORP-COM Conference, 24th March 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, presentation title: “Croatian Hydrocarbons’ Explotation and Exploration Regulationde lege ferenda”.
  6. ADRIATIC CONFERENCE, 28 – 29 May 2016., Portorož, presentation title: “Marine
    Pollution form Seabed Activities”.
  7. IMSLC Modern Challenges of Marine Navigation, 29 – 30 September 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Split, presentation title: “Protection of the Marine Environment in Marinas – Croatian Legal Framework”.
  8. 5th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Trasport Law, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, 1 July 2016, master class: “The Meaning and Use of the Term Ship in the Croatian Maritime Legislation”.
  9. Conference Ownership – Obligations – Procedure, Poreč, Croatia, April 2016, organised by the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, presentation title: Marine Pollution Damage Compensation according to the Croatian Maritime Act”.
  10. Conference Maritime Law and Law of the Sea: Adriatic States in the European frameworks, 7th November 2016, Zagreb, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, presentation title: “The Impact of the European Environmental Law on the Carriage of Oil by Sea”.
  11. Round Table – Legal Protection of the Sea, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 23 November 2016, presentation title: “The Liability Regimes for Marine Polluton Damage from Maritime Objects”.

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