Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Trg Republike Hrvatske 3


  • 1995 – Degree in Law (LLB) Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
  • 2001 – Master of Law (LLM) (“The Liability of the Marine Carrier for the Damage for Death of or Personal Injury to a Passenger”)
  • 2003 – Doctor of Law (PhD) (“Provisional measure of arrest of ship”)


  • 1998 – completed a training course in Maritime Law and the Law of the Sea in Rhodes (Greece), co-organized by the Aegean Institut of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law and Tulane Law School (USA)
  • 1999 – completed a training course in Private International Law in the Hague, organized by the Hague Academy of International Law


  • 1996-2003 – Junior Research Assistant, Research Assistant and Senior Research Assistant, Adriatic Institute, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • 2003 – Assistant Professor, Full Professor and Full Professor with Tenure  at the  Department for Maritime and Transport Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb


  • Teaches the following subjects at the Undergraduate Study: Maritime and Transport Law, Insurance Law and European Transport Law (a course in English)
  • Teaches the following subjects at the Post-graduate Specialist Studies and Doctoral Studies: Maritime Law I – Transport Contracts, Maritime Law II – Shipowners’ Liability for Maritime Claims, Insurance Law – Generaland Marine Insurance Law, Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb
  • Teaches the course entitled Legal and Economic System and Crisis at the Universtiy inter-disciplinary postgraduate master’s programme „Crisis Management“
  • He is an arbitrator of the Arbitral Tribunal of the Croatian Chamber of Economy for disputes with international elements
  • He was a member of the Expert Committee that drafted the 2004 Croatian Maritime Code and its 2004, 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2019 amendments
  • As an expert consultant of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, he participated in drafting the text of the Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the 1996 Protocol amending the 1976 Convention on the Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims


  • He is a member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law (published by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Adriatic Institute) and electronic academic journal Zagreb Law Review (published by the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb)
  • He is a member of the Editorial Board of EUROPA info Bulletin of the European
  • Documentation Centre Zagreb (published by the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb)
  • An expert associate in the preparation of the Croatian lexicon of the maritime law field (published by the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography)
  • He is a peer-reviewer of one university textbook on transport law, one scientific monograph, as well as of numerous research projects on transport-law topics financed by the Ministry of Science and Education
  • He was a peer-reviewer of dozens of national and international academic articles and other publications
  • He is an active participant/speaker at numerous international and national academic conferences and seminars devoted to various topics of transport and insurance law


  • Croatian Maritime Law Association, a member of the Governing Board and leader of the Zagreb section
  • Croatian Association of Insurance Law, a member of the  Governing Board


Authors’s books

  1. Radionov, Nikoleta; Ćapeta, Tamara; Marin, Jasenko; Bulum, Božena; Kumpan, Ana; Popović, Nikola; Savić, Iva
    Europsko prometno pravo
    Zagreb : Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2011 (monograph)
  2. Marin, Jasenko
    Ugovori o prijevozu putnika i prtljage morem
    Zagreb : Pravni fakultet, 2005 (monograph)
  3. Marin, Jasenko
    Privremene mjere zaustavljanja broda
    Zagreb : Pravni fakultet, 2003 (monograph)

Book chapters

  1. Marin, Jasenko
    Privremeno zaustavljanje plovila unutarnje plovidbe // Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika : zbornik radova u čast 70. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mihajla Dike / Uzelac, Alan; Garašić, Jasnica; Maganić, Aleksandra (eds.)
    Zagreb : Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2013, pp. 349-371
  2. Marin, Jasenko
    Posebno stvarnopravno uređenje za brodove i plovila unutarnje plovidbe // Stvarno pravo, Volume 3 : Posebna pravna uređenja / Gavella, Nikola (ed.)
    Zagreb : Narodne novine, 2011, pp. 579-670
  3. Marin, Jasenko
    Privilegiji na brodu – sigurnost i neizvjesnost u isto vrijeme // Liber Amicorum Nikola Gavella, Građansko pravo u razvoju / Gliha, Igor; Josipović, Tatjana; Belaj, Vlado; Baretić, Marko; Nikšić, Saša; Ernst, Hano; Keglević, Ana; Matanovac, Romana (eds.). Zagreb : Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Pravni fakultet, 2008, pp. 369-409
  4. Marin, Jasenko
    Registri plovnih objekata i zrakoplova // Hrvatsko registarsko pravo : registri pravnih osoba, nekretnina, pokretnina i prava / Josipović, Tatjana (ed.)
    Zagreb, Hrvatska : Narodne novine, 2006, pp. 117-148
  5. Marin, Jasenko
    Međunarodni pomorski odbor i unifikacija pomorskog prava : doprinos akademika
    Vladislava Brajkovića // Život i djelo Vladislava Brajkovića II / Pavićević, Radomir; Lalović, Dragutin (ed.)
    Zagreb : Nacionalna zajednica Crnogoraca Hrvatske, 2005, pp. 250-253

Textbooks and scripts

  1. Gavella, Nikola; Ernst, Hano; Belaj, Vlado; Jug, Jadranko; Nikšić, Saša; Gliha, Igor; Josipović, Tatjana; Radionov, Nikoleta; Marin, Jasenko; Baretić, Marko
    Stvarno pravo – posebna pravna uređenja. / Gavella, Nikola (ed.)
    Zagreb : Narodne novine, 2011

Scientific articles in other journals

  1. Marin, Jasenko
    Uređenje sudske nadležnosti u konvenciji o ugovorima o međunarodnom prijevozu robe u cijelosti ili djelomično morem, iz 2009. // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 62 (2012), no. 1-2; pp. 229-256 (articles, scientific)
  2. Marin, Jasenko
    Opće i posebno ograničenje odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine u novijoj stranoj sudskoj praksi // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 50 (2011), no. 165; pp. 91-115 (articles, scientific)
  3. Marin, Jasenko
    Stvarnopravno uređenje za plovila unutarnje plovidbe // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 48 (2009), no. 163; pp. 29-55 (articles, scientific)
  4. Marin, Jasenko; Kumpan, Ana
    Teretni list u kopnenom, pomorskom i zračnom prijevozu. // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 48 (2009), no. 163; pp. 57-63 (articles, scientific)
  5. Marin, Jasenko
    Odgovornost prijevoznika za plovidbenu sposobnost broda // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 58 (2008.), no. 1/2; pp. 489-507 (articles, scientific)
  6. Marin, Jasenko
    Međunarodne konvencije i protokoli kao izvori hrvatskog pomorskog prava // Poredbeno
    pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 46 (2007), no. 161; pp. 91-111
    (articles, scientific)
  7. Marin, Jasenko
    Ugovorna odgovornost prijevoznika u unutarnjoj plovidbi // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 56 (2006.), no. 4; pp. 969-1010 (articles, scientific)
  8. Marin, Jasenko
    Slot charter // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 56 (2006), special edition; pp. 591-607 (review article, scientific)
  9. Marin, Jasenko
    Pravno uređenje hipoteke na brodu u Republici Hrvatskoj // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 44 (2005), no. 159; pp. 25-57 (review article, scientific)
  10. Marin, Jasenko
    Treba li Republika Hrvatska pristupiti Protokolu iz 1996. o izmjeni Konvencije o ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine iz 1976. // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 53 (2003), no. 1; pp. 75-94 (articles, scientific)
  11. Marin, Jasenko
    Nacrt Protokola o izmjenama Atenske konvencije iz 1974. godine o prijevozu putnika i njihove prtljage morem // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, vol. 23 (2002), no. 2 – Supplement; pp. 177-193 (articles, scientific)
  12. Marin, Jasenko
    Proboj pravne osobnosti u pomorskom pravu // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 40 (2001), no. 155; pp. 83-115 (articles, scientific)

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