University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Hahlić 6
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Date of birth: 1961
- 1984 – jurist, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law
- 1987 – barrister, Ministry of Justice, Zagreb
- 1989-1992 – Master of law (LLM), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Zagreb
- 2001 – Doctor of law (PhD), University of Split, Faculty of Law, Split
- 1984-1987 – Law Office MARIC, Zagreb, Šenoina 1, 10000 Zagreb
- 1990-2002 – Research assistant – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Adriatic Institute, Frane Petrića 4, Zagreb
- 2007-2013 – Associate Professor, Head of the Maritime and Transportation Law Department, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
- 2013-2018 – Full Professor, Head of the Maritime and Transportation Law Department, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
- Since 2018 – Full Professor Tenure, Head of the Maritime and Transportation Law Department, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
- 1990 – Halifax, Canada – International Ocean institute – Training Programme on Marine Resources Management
- 1996 – Southampton – Institute of Maritime Law – Maritime Law
- Integrated Study of Law (undergraduate and graduate)
- Professional Study (Administrative Study Programme): Maritime and Transport Law, Maritime Administrative Law, Marine Environment Protection Law and Environment Protection Law
- Postgraduate Specialist Study in Corporate Finance Law and Specialist Study: Law of European Integrations, European Environment Protection Law and Basic Ship Finance and Security Instruments in Shipping
- Doctoral study: Marine Environment Protection Law
- Mentor at the doctoral study (3 students)
Languages: Croatian, English, Italian
Scientific projects
- 2007-2013: “Croatian Maritime Legislation, International Standards and the EU Law” (researcher), funded by CMSES
- 2002-2007: ”Croatian Maritime Law and International Standards’ (researcher), funded by CMSES
- 1996-2002: ”Theory and Practice of Croatian Maritime Legislation, International Unification of Maritime Law and Codification of Law of the Sea” 101001 (researcher), funded by CMSES
- 1990-1995: “Drafting Croatian Maritime Legislation” 5-03—026 (researcher), funded by CMSES
- 2006-2009: ‘’Regional Cooperation and Marine Pollution in Adriatic Sea, Expert Study on Ship Based Oil Pollution in the Adriatic Sea’’ (researcher), funded by Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway;
- 2016-2019: “Developing a Modern Legal and Insurance Regime for Croatian Marinas – Enhancing Competitiveness, Safety, Security and Marine Environmental Standards (DELICROMAR)” UIP-2013-11-3061 (researcher) funded by Croatian Science Foundation
Conferences and seminars
Active participation on 40 international and national scientific conferences and seminars
Membership in Editorial Boards
- Assistant of Editor, Comparative Maritime Law = Poredbeno pomorsko pravo
- The International Transport Law Review = Časopis za međunarodno transportno pravo
Professional and scientific associations
- Croatian Maritime Law Association, Vice-president, 1992-2018
- Croatian Transport Law Association, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Titulary member of the Comité Maritime International (CMI) since September 2022.
Professional Activities
- Member of the Expert Working group for drafting 1994 Croatian Maritime Code and 2004 Croatian Maritime Code and its 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2013 Amendments
- Consultant of the Ministry of Sea, Traffic and Infrastructure for the international maritime agreements (1995-on)
- Member of the Organization and Scientific Committee of the International Transport Law Conference (INTRANSLAW)
- Ćorić, Dorotea.
International Regime on Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage.
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Adriatic Institute, Zagreb, 2002. - Ćorić, Dorotea.
Marine Pollution from Ship’s – International and National Law Rules.
Faculty of Law Rijeka, Rijeka, 2009.
- Ćorić, Dorotea.
Uvođenje poreza po tonaži broda u pomorsko zakonodavstvo Republike Hrvatske (The
Introduction of a Tonnage Tax Regime into the Croatian Maritime Legislation). //
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, Vol. 50 (2011), No. 165,
pp. 75-89. - Ćorić, Dorotea.
Direktiva EU o onečišćenju mora s brodova i nadležnosti obalnih država (The EU
Directive on Ship-source Pollution and on the Jurisdiction of the Coastal States). //
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Rijeci (Collective Papers of the University of Rijeka Faculty of Law), Vol. 32 (2011), No. 2, pp. 857-867. - Ćorić, Dorotea; Šantić, Ivo.
Nadzor sigurnosti plovidbe i utvrđivanje prekršajne odgovornosti (Monitoring the Safety
of Navigation and Determining the Criminal Liability). // Pravni vjesnik: Journal of Law
and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Law, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Vol. 28 (2012), No. 12, pp.79-95. - Ćorić, Dorotea.
Pravni okvir za suzbijanje piratstva na moru (Legal Framework for Suppression of Marine Piracy). // Naše more (International Journal of Marine Science and Technology),
Dubrovnik, Vol. 59, No. 1-2, 2012, pp 50-60. - Ćorić, Dorotea; Pijaca, Marija.
Indemnity Clause in Standard Bareboat Charter: BARECON 2001. // Zbornik radova s VI. Međunarodne konferencije o pomorskoj znanosti – Book of Proceedings / 6th
International Maritime Science Conference – IMSC, Solin, 2014, pp. 309-315. - Ćorić, Dorotea.
Utjecaj europskog prava zaštite okoliša na pomorski prijevoz ulja morem (The Impact of
the European Environmental Law on the Carriage of Oil by Sea). // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, Vol. 54 (2015), No. 169, pp. 533- 541. - Ćorić, Dorotea; Tuhtan Grgić, Iva.
Istraživanje i eksploatacija ugljikovodika na Jadranu: problem izvanugovorne
odgovornosti za onečišćenje mora u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu (Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in the Adriatic: The Problem of Non- contractual Liability
for the Pollution in the Croatian Law). // Naše more (International Journal of Marine Science and Technology), Vol. 62, No. 4, Supplement, 2015, pp. 113-119. - Ćorić, Dorotea.
The Meaning and Use of the Term Ship in the Croatian Maritime Legislation. // Il Diritto Marittimo, Quaderni 3, 2016 – The Ship: An Example of Legal Pluriflication-Qualification, pp. 231-247. - Ćorić, Dorotea; Padovan, A. V.; Čičovački, L.
Prevention of Pollution by Yachts Sewage in the Ports of Nautical Tourism – The Legal
Framework. // Book of Proceedings / 7th International Maritime Science Conference –
IMSC, Solin, 2017, pp. 381-394. - Ćorić, Dorotea.Marine Pollution from Seabed Activities – Croatian Liabilty Regime. Il Diritto Marittimo, Vol. I, Gennaio – Marzo 2017, pp. 47-64.
Participation in Conferences (selected)
- European Maritime Day, EU Maritime Law and Policy, Protection of the Marine Environment, Safety of Sea, Ports and the Adriatic/Mediterranean Sea, Portorož,
Slovenia, 18th May 2012, presentation title: “The Croatian Legal Frameworkfor the Prevention of Pollution form Ships”
(published on www.dpss-mlas/si/en/eu-maritime-day/2012 ). - Adriatic Spill Conference, Opatija, 15-16 May 2013, presentation title: “International
Regime for HNS Spills Damage Compensation” (with M. P. Miler, PhD). - Conference organized by Croatian maritime Association – The Latest Amendments to
the Maritime Act and other current issues of Maritime Law, Malinska 10-11 October, 2013., presentation title: “Prevention of Marine Pollution according tothe Maritime Act”. - Conference Croatian Maritime Domain and Seaports Legislation and Other Relevant Topics of Maritime and Transport Law, Mali Losinj, May 2015, presentation title:
“Liability and compensation for pollution from offshore activities” (with Assoc. Prof. Iva Tuhtan Grgić, PhD). - ENER-MAR-CORP-COM Conference, 24th March 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, presentation title: “Croatian Hydrocarbons’ Explotation and Exploration Regulationde lege ferenda”.
- ADRIATIC CONFERENCE, 28 – 29 May 2016., Portorož, presentation title: “Marine
Pollution form Seabed Activities”. - IMSLC Modern Challenges of Marine Navigation, 29 – 30 September 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Split, presentation title: “Protection of the Marine Environment in Marinas – Croatian Legal Framework”.
- 5th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Trasport Law, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, 1 July 2016, master class: “The Meaning and Use of the Term Ship in the Croatian Maritime Legislation”.
- Conference Ownership – Obligations – Procedure, Poreč, Croatia, April 2016, organised by the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, presentation title: Marine Pollution Damage Compensation according to the Croatian Maritime Act”.
- Conference Maritime Law and Law of the Sea: Adriatic States in the European frameworks, 7th November 2016, Zagreb, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, presentation title: “The Impact of the European Environmental Law on the Carriage of Oil by Sea”.
- Round Table – Legal Protection of the Sea, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 23 November 2016, presentation title: “The Liability Regimes for Marine Polluton Damage from Maritime Objects”.
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