It is our great pleasure and honour to present the latest issue of Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 61, no. 176, 2022. This issue immediately stands out for the large number of pages and contributions it features. The reason for this is the special anniversary to which many respected authors wanted to contribute by having their work published in this very issue.

With this celebratory issue of the journal, we seek to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the Croatian Maritime Law Association.

The journal covers the topics of maritime and general transport law and international law of the sea from a current, as well as historical point of view, and contains twenty-four papers, one report, three book reviews, and one obituary. In addition to many respectable authors from Croatia, this issue includes works of some of the most world-renowned names in the field of maritime law, including honorary members of the Association – Professor Časlav Pejović, Atty Giorgio Berlingieri, Dr Ann Fenech, Professor Erik Rosaeg and Professor Emeritus Rhidian Thomas.

The obituary is dedicated to Professor Emeritus Vladimir Đuro Degan, who was the long standing director of the Adriatic Institute. We are forever thankful for his significant contribution to the discipline of international law, to which he dedicated his entire professional and private life.

The online version of journal is available on the website of the Adriatic Institute, and the print version can be ordered by e-mail:

We are grateful to our sponsor, ADRIATIC CROATIA INTERNATIONAL CLUB, za djelatnost marina d.d. Rijeka

We would also like to thank the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Shipowners’ Association Mare Nostrum for their support in the preparation of this special issue of the journal Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 61, no. 176, 2022.