On March 31st, 2023, the International Scientific Conference in Memory of Prof. Emer. Vladimir-Đuro Degan was held at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law. The conference gathered numerous international law experts who contributed either by their presentations or by participating in the discussions following the presentations.

The session on contemporary challenges in the international law of the sea covered current topics such as the validity of the arbitral award in the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia in Piran Bay, the protection of underwater cultural heritage, the protection of the marine environment, issues related to the sea level rise, and the legal status of autonomous vessels in the law of armed conflicts at sea.

At the human rights session, the role of the United Nations in protecting human rights facing the challenges of globalization was analyzed, as well as the collaboration between the European Union and the United Nations in this field, and, finally, the principles of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in exercising its functions were presented.

In the last session, dedicated to the responsibility of States and peaceful settlement of disputes, the perspective of mediation and arbitration within the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe was discussed, as well as problems related to the issue of succession after the dissolution of the SFRY, the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in recent judicial practice, and the progress in achieving a goal of total elimination of nuclear weapons.

On behalf of the Adriatic Institute, as a co-organizer, the Conference was attended by Vesna Skorupan Wolff, PhD, the manager of the Adriatic Institute. During the welcoming and opening remarks, Vesna Skorupan Wolff, PhD gave an overview of the life and work of Professor Degan, with an emphasis on his long-lasting and fruitful activity at the Institute. Assoc. Prof. Adriana Vincenca Padovan, moderated a session on contemporary challenges in the international law of the sea. Irena Nišević, LL.M., held a presentation which was prepared in collaboration with Full. Prof. Vesna Barić-Punda on the role of the General Assembly of the United Nations in dealing with the challenges of the protection of the environment during armed conflicts.

Due to its hybrid form, the Conference was highly attended, not just at the Blue hall of the Faculty of Law in Rijeka, but online as well. It offered an opportunity to commemorate professor Degan one year after his death, affirming his contribution to the science of international law in general and especially to Republic of Croatia in the period of gaining independence.