OTHER TITLE: Uloga pomorskog osiguranja u zaštiti morskog okoliša od onečišćenja s brodova

The book examines the various aspects of the role of marine insurance in the protection of marine environment from ship source pollution. The analysis of the modern development of the legal concepts of marine insurance and the practical role of the marine insurers shows that there is a substantial influence of the marine insurance on the enhancement of the standards of the marine environmental protection at law and in practice. The book contains a study of the relationships amongst the marine insurance law, the law of marine environment, the law of salvage and wreck and the shipowner’s liability for pollution damage. The author deals with all the relevant aspects of the role of marine insurance in the prevention of marine accidents, in eliminating substandard shipping, in the interventions at sea and in the compensation of marine pollution damage. There is an accent on the practical aspects of marine insurance reflected in the interpretation of the standard insurance clauses and the case law in the context of Croatian law and in comparative law of the traditional maritime nations and of the countries where the world insurance and reinsurance markets are domiciled.

AUTHOR: Padovan, Adriana Vincenca
EDITOR: Vladimir Đuro Degan
PUBLISHER: HAZU. Jadranski zavod, Zagreb
MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: xviii, 544 str. ; 24 cm
ISBN: 978-953-154-166-4
SCIENTIFIC AREAS: Maritime law, marine insurance