International Scientific Conference in memory of Prof. Emer. Vladimir-Đuro Degan will be held on March 31, 2023 in hybrid format, taking place at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka. The Conference is co-organised by the Faculty of Law in Rijeka (where professor Degan lectured from 1981 until his retirement) and by the Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (where professor Degan acted first as the manager and then as the head of the Institute from 1985 to 2021). 

On the occasion of the first anniversary of professor Degan’s death, the Conference will gather distinguished international and national experts of international law who will give their presentations on current topics in the field of international law of the sea, human rights, state responsibility and peaceful settlement of disputes. After the end of the Conference, the authors will be given the opportunity to publish their work in written form in journal Comparative Maritime Law. 

Professor Degan was a member of the prestigious Institute of International Law which gathers a limited number of experts all around the world with the purpose of development of international law. There he also met the Chinese member Sienho Yee who became his close friend. Professor Sienho Yee cordially accepted to participate at the Conference and to open it with his presentation on the topic on which professor Degan has published many articles – arbitral proceedings between Croatia and Slovenia.
We believe that this Conference will remind us all on professor Degan’s immense contribution to the international and Croatian science of international law.

For participation to the Conference (no participation fees), please follow the link.

Meeting ID: 571 464 8937
Passcode: 13579

More information on the Program of the Conference can be found here.