The journal Comparative Maritime Law, ISSN 1331-9914 (Print), ISSN 1848-8927 (Online),, publishes materials related to the international law of the sea and maritime law, seafarers’ labour law, transport law, marine environmental protection law, maritime and transport insurance law, and related areas. Individual issues of the journal may include papers presented at scientific conferences.

The journal is issued in print format, and electronic versions of the articles are published on the Hrčak portal (the Croatian national portal for scientific and professional journals).

The journal is indexed on the following portals, services, and in the catalogues of major libraries: AAAS Journals (via EBSCO), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO), ASFA Database = Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Bibliographic Database, BASE (Bielefeld University Library) – via DOAJ, via HRCAK, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Digital Collection of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: DiZbi.HAZU (institutional repository), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Electronic Journals Library (via Hrcak), ERIH Plus, Hopkins Libraries – Catalyst (USA), Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR), Law Journal Library (HeinOnline), Legal Collection (EBSCO), Legal Source (EBSCO), Library of Congress, National Library of Australia, Portal HRCAK, ResearchGate, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Fachbibliotheken (Hamburg), SUNCAT – catalogue of journals for the United Kingdom, The Hague Academy of International Law, Peace Palace Library, University of Saskatchewan, University Library (Canada), UPP (*old issues) in the catalogue SUDOC – bibliographic agencies ABES, WorldCat (OCLC), WZB (Berlin): Electronic Journals (EU).


Articles undergo a double-blind peer review and are categorised as follows:

  • Original Scientific Paper: A paper which is characterised by the originality of its conclusions or which presents previously unpublished original results of scientific research;
  • Preliminary Communication: A paper that presents the primary findings of research in progress which, due to current interest, require immediate publication but without the level of deep and thorough study required for a scientific paper;
  • Review Article: A paper that contains a detailed and comprehensive critical review of a certain problem area but with no significant originality of results;
  • Professional Paper: A paper which contains information and experience relevant for a certain profession but without scientific characteristics.

The Social Sciences Department of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts nominates two peer reviewers for each paper at its regular meetings. Reviewers communicate with the authors only through the editorial board. If the reviewers suggest changes, additions, or other modifications, copies of the reviews are sent to the author for consideration. For other contributions (reviews of domestic and foreign case law, translations of international unification instruments, reviews, reports from scientific and professional conferences, book and journal reviews, and other valuable information chosen by the editorial board), no review is required. The editorial board edits these contributions.


  • The manuscript font should be Times New Roman 12, with single spacing. The footnote font should be Times New Roman 10, with single spacing;
  • Each manuscript must include the following: title, author information, abstract (in the language of the text), keywords (in the language of the text), the main text of the article structured into sections which include an introduction and conclusion, a bibliography, and, finally, title (translation), abstract (translation), keywords (translation);
  • Author information should include: full name, academic title, the precise name and location of the institution where the author works, and the author’s email address;
  • For categorised articles, it is necessary to provide a brief and clear abstract (the optimal length is around 250 words) and keywords;
  • The text can be written in Croatian or in one of the major world languages, using the Latin script;
  • Abstracts and keywords should be in Croatian, English, and in the language of the article if the language is not Croatian or English;
  • References in footnotes throughout the text and in the bibliography at the end of the article must adhere to the journal’s citation rules (examples and guidelines for citing references in papers written in English can be found at the following link:


On a personal computer electronic medium, using Microsoft Word for Windows word processing software, and common image formats (.jpg) for illustrations.


The article should be sent as an attachment to an email, and, if applicable, image attachments should be included separately.


Editorial Board of the Comparative Maritime Law Journal
Adriatic Institute, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Augusta Šenoe 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia