University of Split, Faculty of Law
Domovinskog rata 8
21000 Split, Croatia
Year of birth: 1955 (Sarajevo, BiH)
- 1974 – High school degree, Classical Gymnasium Natko Nodilo, Split
- 1978 – Degree in Law, Faculty of Law, Split
- Full professor with tenure
- Head of the Department of International Law
- She teaches on the following subjects: Public International Law, The Law of International Organizations, Diplomatic and Consular Law, Settlement of International Disputes and Law of the Sea (Faculty of Law in Split); The Basisc of International Law and Consular Law (professional Administrative Study of Law); Human rights – International Aspects and International Law (Specialist study of the Faculty of Law in Split); and International Law of the Sea (The doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Mostar)
- Course lecturer in International Law at the University Department of Forensic Sciences, University in Split
- She was the Directress of the Postgraduate Scientific Study in Maritime Law and Law of the Sea at the Faculty of Law, University in Split, as well as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law in Split
- 2006-2007 – She participated in the project of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Institute for Scientific and Artistic Work in Split, „Scientific and professional basics for the settlement of border disputes between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia“
- She was the head of the scientific research project „Maritime boundaries of the Republic of Croatia and international agreements regulating the relationships at see“ financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
- She was a member of the expert group of the State Commission for Borders of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the study and specification of the border between the Republic of Croatia and Montenegro, as well as of the Negotiating Commission for negotiations on the Republic of Croatia’s southern border with Socijalist Republic of Yugoslavia
- She made a significant contribution to the structure and organisation of the Centre for German, Croatian, European and Comparative Law Split-Berlin, based at the Law Faculty in Split
- Scientific Council for Social Sciences of the National Council for Science (completed mandate)
- Member of the Ministry of Science’s Scientific Field Committee for Social Sciences
- Croatian International Law Association
- Croatian Maritime Law Association
- International Law Association
- Asociación Argentina de Derecho Internacional
- Regular member of the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences
- University of Split Senate
- Barić Punda, Vesna; Rudolf, Jr., Davorin.
Komentar javnopravnih odredbi Pomorskoga zakonika.
Split : Pravni fakultet u Splitu, 2010 (monograph). - Barić Punda, Vesna; Rudolf, Jr., Davorin.
Pravo mora – dokumenti, mišljenja znanstvenika, komentari.
Split : Pravni fakultet u Splitu, 2007 (monograph). - Barić Punda, Vesna; Rudolf, Jr., Davorin.
Rješavanje sporova u međunarodnom pravu mora – dokumenti, sudska praksa, mišljenja znanstvenika, komentari.
Split : Pravni fakultet u Splitu, 2007 (monograph).
Book Chapters
- Degan, Vladimir-Đuro; Barić Punda, Vesna.
Ograničenje u vršenju univerzalne sudbenosti (principa univerzaliteta) // Kazneno pravo, kazneno postupovno pravo i kriminalistika : Zbornik radova povodom 70. godine života Berislava Pavišića / Matulović, Miomir; Kunštek, Eduard (eds.).
Rijeka : Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2014, pp. 89-103.
Scientific Articles
- Degan, Vladimir-Đuro; Barić Punda, Vesna.
Universal Criminal Jurisdiction – An option or a legal obligation for States? // International Law Review of Wuhan University, 13 (2010), pp. 66-92 (articles, scientific). - Gržetić, Zvonko; Barić Punda, Vesna; Filipović, Valerija.
O granicama u sjevernom Jadranu (1948.-2009.) s posebnim osvrtom na kronološki kartografski prikaz. // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 49 (2010), no. 164, pp. 19-72 (članak, znanstveni). - Kazazić, Vesna; Barić Punda, Vesna; Brkić, Zlatko.
Pravo progona i nacionalni propisi obalnih država. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, XXI. (2010), pp. 7-25 (articles, scientific). - Barić Punda, Vesna.
Uloga Europske unije u zaštiti i očuvanju Sredozemnog mora s osvrtom na pravne i strateške dokumente. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, vol. 45 (2008), no. 4, pp. 761-778 (original scientific paper, scientific). - Degan, Vladimir Đuro; Barić Punda, Vesna.
Jednostrani akti država u pravu mora napose s obzirom na spor Slovenije i Hrvatske na Sjevernom Jadranu. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, vol. 45 (2008), no. 4, pp. 841-861 (original scientific paper, scientific). - Barić Punda, Vesna.
O morskim i podmorskim prostorima Republike Hrvatske u Pomorskom zakoniku iz 2004. // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 46 (2007), no. 161, pp. 65- 78 (original scientific paper, scientific). - Barić Punda, Vesna; Brkić, Zlatko.
Zaštita i očuvanje Sredozemnog mora s posebnim osvrtom na obalne države članice EU. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, vol. 44 (2007), no. 1, pp. 53-65 (articles, scientific).
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