Professor Emeritus IVO GRABOVAC, PhD

Domovinskog rata 8
21000 Split


Year of birth: 1934 (Split)


  • Classical Gymnasium (Split)
  • Degree in Law (LLB), Faculty of Law, University of Split
  • 1965 –  Master of law (LLM), Faculty of Law, University of Split
  • 1967 – Doctor of law (PhD), Faculty of Law, University of Split
  • In December 2004, he was awarded the honorary title of professor emeritus by the Senate of the University of Split in recognition of teaching and scientific excellence, as well as merits for the progress and development of the University of Split


  • 1961-1976 – Assistant, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
  • 1976-2004 – full professor of Maritime and General Transport Law and Insurance Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Split
  • 2004 – retired


  • He lectured at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split, and at the University Department of Maritime Studies – Marine Fisheries
  • He was Dean (1978-1980, 1994-1996) and President of the Council (1991-1993) of the Faculty of Law, University of Split
  • He is the founder of the Post-graduate study in Maritime Economy at the University of Split in 1976 (one generation), and one of the founders of the Post-graduate study of the  Law of the Sea and Maritime Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Split (1979, thirteen generations); he was director of the programme in several mandates
  • He lectured at various post-graduate studies in Croatia and abroad
  • For many years, he was the editor of the Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law in Split, and now he is the editor of the Maritime Library at the Split Literary Club
  • He participated in more than 60 scientific conferences and professional consultations in Croatia and abroad
  • He participated in legislative drafting of maritime legislation (The Maritime Code of the Republic of Croatia
  • He was engaged in lexicography


  • He has been an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Department of Social Sciences since 1998
  • He was the head of the Section for socio-scientific aspects of the Scientific Council for Maritime Affairs of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • He was a member of the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System of the House of Representatives of the Croatian Parliament
  • He is a scientific advisor to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia
  • Vice President of the Literary Circle Split
  • President of the City Society of Red Cross Split


  • In 1988, he received the Božidar Adžija Award for significant scientific activity in the field of social and humanistic sciences in the field of maritime law
  • In 1991, he received the annual award (for 1990) of the city of Split in the field of science for the monograph “Odgovornost prijevoznika“ (″Liability of the carrier” (Split 1989))
  • In 1996, he received the Award of Split-Dalmatia County for his merits in promoting science
  • In 2000, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Split-Dalmatia County for his contribution to the promotion of the teaching process and science in the field of maritime law
  • In 2004, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Croatian regional newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija, Split
  • In 2004, he received the award ”Josip Juraj Strossmayer″ (Zagreb Fair and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts) for the book ″Plovedbeno pravo Republike Hrvatske″ (″Maritime law of the Republic of Croatia”), which was rated as the most successful scientific work published in Croatian (2003) in the field of social sciences
  • In 2006, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the City of Split for special scientific research achievements and contributions in the field of economic and social life
  • In April 2007, he received the award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for the highest scientific and artistic achievements in the Republic of Croatia in the field of social sciences
  • In July 2007, he received the National Science Award from the Croatian Parliament for his lifetime achievement and for his scientific accomplishments in the social sciences


  • he published more than 700 works; about 300 original scientific papers, other publications, scripts, etc., and 30 books (monographs, commentaries, textbooks, encyclopedias of terms) in the field of maritime and traffic law
  • He published 18 special studies in the course of his scientific research on numerous scientific projects in the field of maritime law
  • He wrote several hundred entries in his ”Enciklopedija pojmova pomorskog prava″ (″Encyclopedia of Maritime Law Terms”, 1991), in ”Pomorska Enciklopedija″ (″Maritime Encyclopedia”), ”Pomorski leksikon″ (″Maritime Lexicon”) and “Pravni leksikon” (”Legal Lexicon″)


  1. Grabovac, Ivo; Kaštela, Slobodan.
    Međunarodni i nacionalni izvori hrvatskoga prometnog prava : odabrana poglavlja. Zagreb; Split : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti; Književni krug Split, 2013 (monograph).
  2. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Odgovornost prijevoznika u prijevozu stvari u pomorskom zakoniku Republike Hrvatske i u međunarodnim konvencijama.
    Split : Književni krug, 2010 (monograph).
  3. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Suvremeno hrvatsko pomorsko pravo i Pomorski zakonik. Split : Književni krug, 2005 (monograph).
  4. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Plovidbeno pravo Republike Hrvatske. Split : Književni krug, 2003 (monograph).
  5. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Ograničenje odgovornosti u pomorskom poduzetništvu. Split : Književni krug, 2001 (monograph).
  6. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Temelj odgovornosti u prometnom pravu. Split : Književni krug, 2000 (monograph).
  7. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Prijevozno ugovorno pravo Republike Hrvatske. Split : Književni krug, 1999 (monograph).
  8. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Ogledi o odgovornosti brodara.
    Split : Književni krug, Split, 1997 (monograph)

Textbooks and scripta

  1. Grabovac, Ivo; Petrinović, Ranka.
    Pomorsko pravo (Pomorsko javno, upravno i radno pravo). Split : Pomorski fakultet, 2006.
  2. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Pomorsko pravo, knjiga prva / Pavić, Drago (ed.).
    Split : Visoka pomorska škola Split, 2001.
  3. Grabovac, Ivo; Stanković, Predrag.
    Pomorsko pravo, ispit za zapovjednika broda od 3000 BT ili većeg. / Milošević, Miodrag (ed.).
    Rijeka : Viša pomorska škola u Rijeci, 2000.

Scientific articles

  1. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Atenska konvencija o prijevozu putnika i njihove prtljage morem, 2002, Europska unija i hrvatski Pomorski zakonik. // Kapetanov glasnik, 27 (2013); pp. 8-11 (article, scientific).
  2. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Meteorološke pojave i Pomorski zakonik Republike Hrvatske. // Jadranska meteorologija, LVI (2011); pp. 59-63 (article, scientific).
  3. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Piratstvo – suvremena prijetnja sigurnosti plovidbe i događaj koji utječe na odgovornost pomorskog prijevoznika u prijevozu stvari. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 48 (2011), 3; pp. 461-474 (article, scientific).
  4. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Hrvatski pravilnik o mjestima zakloništa (u povodu slučaja turskog broda “UND ADRIYATIK”. // Jadranska meteorologija, LIV (2009); pp. 34-38 (article, scientific).
  5. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Mjesta zakloništa za brodove i propisi Republike Hrvatske. // Pomorski zbornik, 45 (2009), 1; pp. 11-19 (article, scientific).
  6. Grabovac, Ivo.
    Međunarodni ugovori kao temelj ujednačavanja pomorskog prava – u povodu Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama pomorskog zakonika, 2008. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 46 (2009), 2; pp. 261-269 (article, scientific).

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