Pomorsko savjetovanje Bolanča d.o.o.
Hrvatske mornarice 1/I
21000 Split, Croatia


Year of birth: 1957 (Mali Lošinj)


  • 1976 – Classical Gymnasium Natko Nodilo, Split
  • 1980 – graduate degree from the Faculty of Law in Split
  • 1984 – passed the Bar Exam
  • 1987 – Master’s degree (“Marine accidents and shipowner’s liability”)
  • 1994 – Doctor of Law (‘’The concept of exceptions and liability of the carrier for the carriage of goods by sea’’)


  • 1982-1984 – Trainee lawyer
  • 1985-1990 – The judge of the County Split
  • 1991-1996 – Assistant, Faculty of Law, Split
  • 1996-2000 – Assistant professor
  • 2000-2004 – Associate professor
  • 2004-2009 – Full professor
  • 2009-2022 – Full Professor with Tenure; Courses: Maritime and General Transport Law and Insurance Law
  • Since 2022 – Retired


  • Vice Dean (2000-2002)
  • Head of the Postgraduate Scientific Studies Maritime Law and the Law of the Sea (2000-2004 and 2008-2012)
  • Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Split (2004-2006)
  • Vice Rector for Legal, Personnel and General Affairs, Univeristy of Split, two mandates (2006-2014)
  • Head of the Maritime and General Transport Law Department, Head of the Institute for Commercial and Maritime Law until retirement


  • Training in maritime law in Poland (1993 at the Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow) and in Slovenia (Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, 2004; and Faculty of Law in Maribor, 2006)
  • From 1997 to 2002, he specialized in maritime court and arbitration practice in England (London, law offices: Stephenson Harwood, Norton Rose and Holman Fenwick & Willan)
  • Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Law in Beograd, Faculty of Law in  Mostar, Faculty of Law in Rijeka and Faculty of Law in Split
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Comparative Maritime Law (Zagreb), Pomorski zbornik (Rijeka), Foreign Legal Life (Beograd) and Megatrend review (Beograd); member of the Editorial (Publishing) Council of the journal Financije i porezi (Zagreb) and Pravo u gospodarstvu (Zagreb)
  • President of the Association of Lawyers in Business of Split (from 1998 to present); as the president of the aforementioned association, he organized 7 seminars for the bar exam, 150 lectures and round tables, and published 4 books
  • Vice president of the Croatian Maritime Law Association (from 2000 to 2018)
  • Arbitrator of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy in procedures with and without international elements   


  • In 2007 – as Vice-rector, he received the bronze medal of the French State Council «Conseil D’Etat 1799-1999» for scientific work
  • In 2011 – received the Silver Medal of the State Council of France for the successful cooperation between the Pantheon-Assas University (Paris II) and the University of Split
  • In 2011 – as the president of the Lions Club Split, Lions Club International awarded him with the highest international Melvin Jones Fellow award for his humanitarian work


  • He published 15 books and 210 scientific and professional papers


  1. Bolanča, Dragan; Naprta, Rajko.
    More naše plavo; Sigurnost plovidbe.
    Zagreb – Split : NADING d.o.o., 2009 (collection of regulations).
  2. Bolanča, Dragan; Naprta, Rajko.
    More naše plavo; Brodovi kao plovila.
    Zagreb – Split : NADING d.o.o., 2009 (collection of regulations).
  3. Bolanča, Dragan; Naprta, Rajko.
    More naše plavo; Brodice i jahte kao plovila.                                                                                      
    Zagreb – Split : NADING d.o.o., 2009 (collection of regulations).
  4. Bolanča, Dragan; Naprta, Rajko.More naše plavo; Članovi posade broda (pomorci).
    Zagreb – Split : NADING d.o.o., 2009 (collection of regulations).
  5. Bolanča, Dragan; Naprta, Rajko.
    More naše plavo; Pomorsko dobro.
    Zagreb – Split : NADING d.o.o., 2009 (collection of regulations).
  6. Bolanča, Dragan; Naprta, Rajko.
    More naše plavo; Morske luke.
    Zagreb – Split : NADING d.o.o., 2009 (collection of regulations).
  7. Kregar, Josip; Dika Mihajlo; Petrak, Marko; Grubišić, Ksenija; Bolanča, Dragan; Matulović, Miomir; Jerneić, Željko; Vasiček, Vesna; Krajcar, Slavko; Rajčić, Davor.
    Zbornik radova: Upravljanje sveučilištem.
    Zagreb : Sveučilišna tiskara, 2007 (collection of regulations).
  8. Bolanča, Dragan.
    Pravni status morskih luka kao pomorskog dobra u Republici Hrvatskoj.
    Split : Pravni fakultet u Splitu, 2003. (monograph).

Book Chapters

  1. Bolanča, Dragan.
    Pravna stečevina Europske unije i hrvatsko pomorsko pravo. // Liber amicorum in honorem Jadranko Crnić (1928. – 2008.) / Kačer, Hrvoje; Momčilović, Hrvoje; Žuvela, Mladen (ur.).
    Zagreb : Novi informator, 2009, pp. 745-756.
  2. Bolanča, Dragan; Amižić Jelovčić, Petra.
    Zaštita morskog okoliša od onečišćenja balastnim vodama s posebnim osvrtom na pravilnik o upravljanju i nadzoru vodenog balasta iz 2007. godine. // Zbornik radova “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje in memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta” / Dobrinić, Julijan (ed.).
    Pula : Tehnički fakultet, 2008, pp. 649-659.
  3. Bolanča, Dragan; Amižić Jelovčić, Petra.
    Ugovor o gradnji broda u novom Pomorskom zakoniku Republike Hrvatske iz 2004. godine. //
    Zbornik radova “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje, in memoriam prof.  Leopold Sorta” / Dobrinić, Julijan (ed.).
    Rijeka : Tehnički fakultet, 2006, pp. 627-635.


  1. Bolanča, Dragan.
    Pomorsko pravo (odabrane teme) / Bačić, Arsen (ed.).
    Split : Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 1999.

Scientific papers

  1. Bolanča, Dragan; Amižić Jelovčić, Petra.
    Sigurnost plovidbe u Zakonu o izmjenama i dopunama Pomorskog zakonika iz 2013.
    godine. // Zbornik radova “In memoriam prof. dr. sc. Vjekoslav Šmid”, vol. 3 (2014), no. 5, pp. 6-28 (article, scientific).
  2. Bolanča, Dragan.
    Koncesije na pomorskom dobru – novine u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, vol. 46 (2009), no. 1, pp. 71-95 (article, scientific).
  3. Bolanča, Dragan; Amižić Jelovčić, Petra; Primorac, Željka.
    Pravni pojam luka i pristaništa u bosanskohercegovačkom zakonodavstvu. // Zbornik radova “Aktualnosti građanskog i trgovačkog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse”, 7 (2009), 1, pp. 27-31 (article, scientific).
  4. Bolanča, Dragan; Barun, Mara.
    Neke novosti na području usklađivanja hrvatskog pomorskog upravnog prava sa pravnom stečevinom Europske unije. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, vol. 45 (2008), no. 4, pp. 745-760 (article, scientific).
  5. Bolanča, Dragan; Primorac, Željka.
    Sigurnost plovidbe u Zakonu o izmjenama i dopunama Pomorskog zakonika iz 2007. godine. // Naše more : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, vol. 55 (2008), no. 3-4, pp. 147-152 (article, scientific).
  6. Bolanča, Dragan; Amižić Jelovčić, Petra.
    Prijevoz putnika u RH – nacionalna legislativa i pravo EU. // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 47 (2008), no. 162, pp. 45-57 (article, scientific).
  7. Bolanča, Dragan; Amižić Jelovčić, Petra.
    Novi pomorski zakonik Republike Hrvatske i pitanje unifikacije Pomorskog prava. // Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, vol. 44 (2007), no. 1, pp. 41-51 (article, scientific).

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