University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Hahlić 6
51000 Rijeka, Croatia


Date of birth: 1977


  • 2014 – Doctor of Law (PhD), Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
  • 2001 – Lawyer, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law


  • 2021 – Associate Professor, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
  • 2016 – 2021 – Assistant Professor, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
  • 2015 – 2016 – Senior Teaching Assistant, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
  • 2001 – 2015 – Teaching Assistant, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law


  • 2019 – La Sapienza, Univesità di Roma, Italy
  • 2018 – European University Institute (EUI), Firenca, Italy
  • 2012 – Max Planck Institute für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany
  • 2011 – Max Planck Institute für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany
  • 2010 – Max Planck Institute für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany


  • Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Law: Maritime Law and General Transport Law, Marine Environmental Law
  • Professional Administration Studies: Maritime Administrative Law, Law on the Protection of Marine Environment
  • Doctoral Study: Law on the Protection of Marine Environment, Marine Insurance
  • Organization and participation in conducting the International and Maritime Law Course at the IUC Dubrovnik
  • Mentorship in the Doctoral Study (1 student)


  • 2020-2023 – ”Transport Faced with the Challenges of Technological Development and Globalization: New Solutions in the Field of Liability and Competition”, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, ref. PID2019-107204GB-C33 (2020-2024), guided by: Prof. Maria Victoria Petit and Prof. Achim Puetz
  • 2016-2019 – ”Developing a Modern Legal and Insurance Regime for Croatian Marinas – Enhancing Competitiveness, Safety, Security and Marine Environmental Standards” (DELICROMAR), project no. 3061, guided by Assoc. Prof. Adriana V. Padovan
  • 2007-2013 – ”Social Security and Competition – European Requirements and National Solutions”, project MZOŠ, project code: 115-1151212-2637, guided by Prof. Nada Bodiroga Vukobrat
  • 2002-2006 – ”Transformation of Social Ownership on the Immovable”, project MZOŠ, guided by Prof. Petar Simonetti


  • active participation in over 30 international and domestic scientific and professional conferences, seminars, and roundtable discussions
  • Head of the Expert Committee for Concessions on Maritime Domain in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
  • Member of the Department of Maritime and Transport Law at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
  • Member of the organizing committee for several domestic and international conferences
  • Reviewer for the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems (ANVUR)
  • External reviewer for the Research Quality Assessment (VQR) process from 2015 to 2019, conducted by ANVUR, Italy


  • Member of the editorial board of the journal Comparative Maritime Law


  • Croatian Maritime Law Association, member since 2001, Vice President since 2018
  • Croatian Transport Law Association, member since 2017
  • Croatian Comparative Law Association, member since 2008, Member of the Management Bord from 2020 to 2024


  • Member of the expert working group for drafting the Law on Maritime Property and Seaports of the Ministry of Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure (2005, 2017, 2022)


Languages: Croatian, English, Italian


  1. Ćorić, Dorotea; Tuhtan Grgić, Iva; Stanković, Gordan
    Naknada ekološke štete u slučaju onečišćenja mora s brodova – hrvatski pravni okvir // Pomorsko poredbeno pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 61 (2022), no. 176, pp. 95-133.
  2. Tuhtan Grgić, Iva; Padovan, Adriana Vincenca
    Regulation (EC) 392/2009 on the Liability of Carriers of Passengers by Sea in the Event of Accidents: An Example of the Impact of the EU Law beyond its Own Borders, Transporte, competencia y nuevas tecnologias / Transport, Competition and New Technologies, (eds. Petit Lavall, Maria Victoria; Puetz, Achim) // Marical Pons, Madrid / Barcelona /Buenos Aires / São Paulo, 2022, pp. 337-375.
  3. Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    Svjetionici – pravni status i upravljanje de lege lata i de lege ferenda // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 60 (2021), no. 175, pp. 67-109.
  4. Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    How Limited is Maritime Carriers’ Liability for Death of and Personal Injury to Passengers under Croatian Law?, Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe, Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Sander, G. G.; Pošćić, A.; Martinović, A. (eds.) // Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg, 2021, str. 497-511.
  5. Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    Polje primjene imovinskopravnih odredbi Pomorskog zakonika s obzirom na objekte, Zbornik radova 3. međunarodne znanstvene konferencije iz pomorskog prava – MZKPP Split 2021 // Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split, 2021, pp. 333-379.
  6. Tuhtan Grgić, Iva; Bulum, Božena; Petit Lavall, Maria Victoria
    The Influence of European Law on Certain National Solutions Regarding the Concessioning of Nautical Tourism Ports // Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, no. 63, 2019, pp. 489-535.
  7. Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    Postupak dodjele koncesije za luku nautičkog turizma u hrvatskom pravu, Modernizacija prava, Knjiga 47, Novi pravni režim za marine, Barbić, J., Padovan, A. V., Skorupan Wolff, V. (eds.) // Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2019, pp. 51-89.
  8. Stanković, Gordan; Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    Posljedice uračunavanja vrijednosti ulaganja u objekte na pomorskom dobru u određenju iznosa temeljnog kapitala društva u postupku pretvorbe društvenog poduzeća u društvo kapitala, Zborniku radova s Okruglog stola: Pravni okvir za luke nautičkog turizma, Barbić, J. (ed.) // Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2018, pp. 95-123.
  9. Ćorić, Dorotea; Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    The Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Reduced Mobility in the European and Croatian Transport Law, Zbornik radova 2. Međunarodne konferencije transportnog prava i prava osiguranja, INTRANSLAW Zagreb 2017 // Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2017, pp. 485-503.
  10. Padovan, Adriana Vincenca; Tuhtan Grgić, Iva
    Is the Marina Operator’s Berthing Fee a Privileged Claim Under the Croatian Maritime Code? // Il diritto marittimo, Fascicolo II, Aprile-Giugnio 2017, Genova, pp. 366-399.

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