Assist. Prof. MARIJA PIJACA, PhD

Maritime Department, University of Zadar
Mihovila Pavlinovića 1
23000 Zadar, Croatia


1974 – born in Zadar


  • 2000 – graduated at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
  • 2011 – Master’s degree at the Postgraduate scientific study in Maritime Law and Law of the Sea at the Faculty of Law, University of Split (“Towing at Sea Contract”)
  • 2016 – obtained PhD degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka (“Bareboat Charter Contract”)


  • 2000 – 2003 – Punta skala d.d. Zadar
  • 2003 – 2004 – Borik d.d. Zadar
  • 2004 – 2006 – The British Croatian Chamber of Commerce – BCCC, London, UK
  • 2007 – 2009 – The State Archives in Zadar
  • 2009 – 2016 – Assistant in the scientific field of Social Sciences, Maritime and General Transport Law, Maritime Department, University of Zadar
  • 2016 – 2018 – Postdoctoral Researcher, Maritime Department, University of Zadar
  • Since 2018 – Assistant Professor, Maritime Department, University of Zadar


  • She teaches on the following subjects: Maritime Public Law, Maritime Administrative Law and Transport Insurance at the Undergraduate programme of Nautical Studies and Maritime Transport Technology, Maritime Department, University of Zadar
  • She teaches on the subject of Maritime Law at the Undergraduate studies in Marine Engineering and Maritime Transport Technology, Maritime Department, University of Zadar
  • She teches on the subject of Maritime Contracts at the Graduate study in Maritime Organization, Maritime Department, University of Zadar
  • She participates in teaching the Special Education Programme for Seafarers for the Highest Vocations in Shipping, Maritime Department, University of Zadar
  • She teaches on the subject of Social and Health Legislation at the Undergraduate studies in University Nursing Study, Department of Health Studies, University of Zadar
  • She teaches on the subject of Labour Law Relations in Healthcare at the Undergraduate University Nursing Study, Department of Health Studies, University of Zadar
  • She participates in numerous national and international scientific conferences
  • She was a mentor during the preparation of over 100 theses at the Undergraduate programmes of Nautical Studies and Maritime Transport Technology and Marine Engineering and Maritime Transport Technology at the Maritime Department of the University of Zadar


  • Researcher on the project “Challenges in the Legal Regulation of Seaports considering Application of the European Union Law and National Legal Tradition”, Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2020-2022)
  • Researcher on the scientific project Developing a Modern Legal and Insurance Regime for Croatian Marinas – Enhancing Competitiveness, Safety, Security and Marine Environmental Standards – DELICROMAR, Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2017-2019)
  • Member of the Croatian Maritime Law Association
  • Member of the Quality Management Committee, University of Zadar
  • Coordinator for ERASMUS and ECTS at the Maritime Department
  • Coordinator for the promotion of the Maritime Department

Bibliography (selected)

Author’s books

  1. Pijaca, Marija.                                                                                          
    Ugovor o zakupu broda.
    Zadar : Sveučilište u Zadru, 2016. (monograph).

Book chapters

  1. Bulum, Božena; Mijatović, Nikola; Pijaca, Marija.Regulation of Investment Aid for European Union Airports – Could it Be Applied to Seaports? // Current Issues in Maritime and Transport Law / Musi, M.; Zunarelli, S. (eds.), Bologna, Italy : Bonomo Editore, 2016, pp. 299-335.
  2. Pijaca, Marija.
    Usporedba hrvatskog i engleskog prava i poslovne prakse osiguranja odgovornosti marine. // Novi pravni režim za marine / Barbić, J.; Padovan, A. V.; Skorupan Wolff, V. (ur.),
    Zagreb : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 2019, pp. 217-251.

Scientific articles

  1. Pijaca, Marija; Bulum, Božena.
    Comparison of Problems Related to the Carriage of Goods by Sea Between Traditional and Autonomous Vessels. // TransNav, vol. 15 (2021), no. 1, pp. 125-131.
  2. Bulum, Božena; Pijaca, Marija.
    Državne potpore za financiranje infrastrukture morskih luka u recentnim odlukama Europskih institucija. // 3. Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija pomorskog prava „Suvremeni izazovi pomorske plovidbe“, Zbornik radova / Amižić Jelovčić, P.; Klarić, M.; Bolanča, D.; Skorupan Wolff, V.; Padovan, A. V.; Bulum, B.; Grbec, M. (eds.), Split : Pravni fakultet u Splitu, 2021, pp. 79-98.
  3. Pijaca, Marija; Vučenović, Josipa; Bulum, Božena.
    Differences in Contracting of Harbour, Coastal and Ocean Towage. // ICTS 2020 Maritime, Transport and Logistics Science Conference Proceedings / Zanne, M.; Bajec, P.; Twrdy, E. (eds.), Portorož : Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Portorož, 2020, pp. 263-269.
  4. Mandić, Nikola; Zujić, Marijan, Pijaca, Marija.
    Inspection in Coastal Liner Shipping // Book of Proceedings – 8th International Maritime Science Conference / Ivošević, Š.; Vidan, P. (eds.), Kotor : Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor and Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, 2019, pp. 471-479.
  5. Pijaca, Marija; Bulum, Božena.
    Liabilty of the Bareboat Charter Parties for Non-contractual Obligations During the Bareboat Charter Ccontract-period in the Context of Croatian Maritime Law // 2nd International Scientific Conference on Maritime Law Proceedings Book/ Amižić Jelovčić, P. et al. (eds.), Split : Faculty of Law University of Split, 2018, pp. 281-293.
  6. Pavliček, Josip; Padovan, Adriana Vincenca; Pijaca, Marija.
    Criminological and Legal Aspects of Croatian Ports and Maarinas Security // Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe: From Common Sense to Evidence – based Polocy Making / Meško, G.; Lobrikar, B.; Prislan, K.; Hacin, R. (eds.), Maribor : University of Maribor Press, 2018, pp. 469-484.
  7. Pijaca, Marija; Bulum, Božena.
    Rights, Obligations and Liabilities of the Parties in Towage Contracts – National and Standard Legal Solutions. // Conference Book of Proceedings, 1st International Scientific Conference of Maritime Law, ISCML 2016 / Amižić Jelovčić, P. et al. (eds.), Split : Faculty of Law University in Split, 2017, pp. 253-278.
  8. Pijaca, Marija; Botić, Marjana.
    Standard Offshore Wind Farm Personnel Transfer and Support Vessel Charter Party, WINDTIME. // Book of Proceedings 7th International Maritime Science Conference / Vidan, P.; Račić, R. (eds.), Split: Faculty of Maritime Studies University of Split, 2017, pp. 126-132.
  9. Pijaca, Marija.
    Freight Insurance in Charter Parties – Solutions Provided by National Legislation and Institute Clauses. // Proceedings of the 2nd International Transport and Insurance Law Conference Intranslaw / Ćorić, D.; Radionov, N.; Čar, A. (eds.), Zagreb : Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2017, pp. 113-132.
  10. Pijaca, Marija; Ćorić, Dorotea.
    Indemnity clause in Standard Bareboat Charter. //Book of Proceedings / 6th International Maritime Science Conference IMSC 2014 / Vidan, P.; Twrdy, E., Leder, N.; Mulić, R. (eds.), Split: Faculty of Maritime Studies, 2014, pp. 309-315.
  11. Pijaca, Marija.
    Pravni odnosi između marine i charter kompanije u svezi s ugovorom o vezu – prikaz hrvatske i komparativne poslovne prakse. // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 57 (2018), no. 172, pp. 253284.
  12. Pijaca, Marija.
    Pravni odnosi iz zakupa broda prema odredbama BIMCO obrasca BARECON 2001. //
    Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 56 (2017), no. 171,
    pp. 145-209.
  13. Pijaca, Marija; Mandić, Nikola.
    Bareboat Charter Registry. // Transactions on Maritime Science (TOMS), vol. 5 (2016), no. 1, pp. 48-52.
  14. Bulum, Božena; Vokić Žužul, Marina; Pijaca, Marija.
    Directive 2014/23/EU on the Award of Concession Contracts and its Application in the Shipping Sector. // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 66 (2016), no. 2-3, pp. 309-333.
  15. Pijaca, Marija.
    Pravno uređenje zakupa broda u talijanskom, francuskom, engleskom i američkom pravu. // Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 54 (2015),
    no. 169, pp. 309-325.

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