On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the foundation and activity of the Croatian Maritime Law Association, the Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts received an Award of the Croatian Maritime Law Association in gratitude for many years of fruitful cooperation and significant contribution to the development and study of Maritime Law.

The award was presented to the Manager of the Adriatic Institute Vesna Skorupan Wolff, Ph.D., by the President of the Croatian Maritime Law Association Gordan Stanković, Ph.D., at the ceremonial session of the Assembly held on May 26th 2022 in Pula.

Since its establishment, the Adriatic Institute has developed a very fruitful cooperation with the Croatian Maritime Law Association by working on the preparation of the draft of Croatian Maritime legislation and on the joint projects, such as writing the Commentary to the Maritime Code, as one of the greatest and most important projects.

Another important aspect of cooperation is organisation of numerous domestic and international  scientific and professional conferences, publication of books of proceedings and joint professional and conference presentations.