Administrative secretary of the Adriatic Institute and technical editor of the journal Comparative Maritime Law, Mrs. Vlatka Živojnović, is retiring after 32 years of work at our Institute. All employees of the Adriatic Institute are grateful to her for many years of fruitful cooperation and selfless support and dedication with which she approached her work.

Mrs. Živojnović left a deep mark on the Adriatic Institute, and numerous external collaborators of the Institute, authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board of the journal Comparative Maritime Law will remember her for her thoroughness, precision, expertise, patience and erudition.

Mrs. Vlatka Živojnović was born in Samobor, Croatia, where she completed elementary school and general high school. At the Economic Education Center “Boris Kidrič” in Zagreb, she completed a course in the following subjects: accounting, economics, statistics, law, automatic data processing and typing with business correspondence. In 1983, she graduated in textile and clothing design at the Higher School of Textiles and Clothing in Zagreb. She studied English language and literature and Spanish language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb. As an intern, she worked in the accounting department of the PP Maksimir import-export enterprize in Zagreb.

In the Secretariat of the Samobor Municipality Assembly, she performed the duties of an administrative secretary. From 1990 until 2022, she was employed at the Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts as administrative secretary and technical editor of the journal Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law.