University of Zagreb Faculty of Law
Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
10000 Zagreb, Croatia


  • 2012 – PhD (doctor scientiarum), University of Zagreb Faculty of Law
  • 2006 – Second university degree in law (magister scientiarum), University of
    Zagreb Faculty of Law
  • 2000 – State Judiciary Examination (Croatian equivalent of the bar examination)
  • 1997 – First university degree in law (iuris consultus diplomate probatus),
    University of Zagreb Faculty of Law


  • Since 2015 – Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law,
    Department of International Law
  • 2012 – 2015 – Senior Assistant Lecturer at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law,
    Department of International Law
  • 2007 – 2012 – Assistant Lecturer at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law,
    Department of International Law
  • 2001 – 2007 – Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Zagreb Faculty of
    Law, Department of International Law
  • 1997 – 2001 – Clerk-at-Law (trainee) at the Law Office of Dr Dragutin Sikirić in
    Zagreb, Croatia


  • 2015 – Visiting fellowship at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies in
    Shanghai, China
  • 2010 – 2011 – Research stay at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public
    Law and International Law (Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches
    Recht und Völkerrecht) in Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2005 – Research stay at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague, Netherlands
  • 2004 – Summer course in public international law at The Hague Academy of
    International Law
  • 2001 – Law of the Sea Course at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • 2000 – Fifth Session of the Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy in Rhodes,


  • Since 2019 – Teaches English-language course on International Cultural Heritage
  • Since 2019 – Gives lectures on Public International Law in the framework of the
    Croatian Ministry of Defence’s Ban Josip Jelačić War College
  • Since 2019 – Gives lectures in International Public Law and Introduction to
    Diplomatic and Consular Law at the postgraduate study at the Faculty of Political
    Science, University of Zagreb
  • Since 2016 – Gives lectures on various topics of public international law to doctoral
    students and other students at post-graduate level
  • Since 2015 – Teaches course on Diplomatic and Consular Law
  • Since 2015 – Teaches course on Diplomatic and Consular Law and Ordinary
    teaching and examination licence as assistant professor at the University of
    Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Department of International Law
  • Since 2014 – Teaches course on Public International Law (capita selecta) within the
    framework of the University of Zagreb’s interdisciplinary undergraduate study
    programmes “Military Engineering” and “Military Leadership and Management”
    for future officers of the Croatian Armed Forces
  • 2014-2016 – Gives lectures on International, Diplomatic and Consular Law within
    the framework of the University of Zagreb’s English-language postgraduate
    interdisciplinary specialist study programme “Diplomacy”
  • Since 2012 – Teaches English-language course on the International Law of the Sea
    for foreign guest students at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law
  • Since 2007 – Extraordinary teaching and examination licence; gives lectures (capita
    selecta) in the third-year general course on Public International Law and the fifthyear elective course on the International Law of the Sea; conducts tutorials in
    Public International Law for third-year students; conducts examinations in Public
    International Law and the International Law of the Sea


  • 2019 – 2021 – “The New Maritime Silk Road: Navigation and Security in the
    Technological Era”, project leader: Professor Andrea Caligiuri, carried by University
    of Macerata, University Center for Maritime Studies and Transport (CUSMAT);
    coordinated the subgroup on maritime security
  • 2007 – 2013 – “Contemporary Development of International Law on the Global and
    Regional Level” („Suvremeni razvoj međunarodnog prava na globalnoj i regionalnoj
    razini”), project leader: Professor Budislav Vukas; funded by the Croatian Ministry
    of Science, Education and Sports
  • 2006 – 2011 – “Marine Environment Protection and Resource Management: The
    Changing Legal and Policy Framework for the Adriatic Sea”, project leader: Dr.
    Davor Vidas, coordinating institution: Fridtjof Nansen Institute; funded by the
    Research Council of Norway
  • 2006 – “State Border between Croatia and Slovenia” („Hrvatsko-slovenska državna
    granica”), project leader: Professor Davorin Rudolf, coordinating institution:
    Institute for Scientific and Artistic Work of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and
  • 2002 – 2006 – “Preventing Violations of International Law in Contemporary
    Circumstances” („Suzbijanje i sprječavanje kršenja međunarodnog prava u
    suvremenim uvjetima”), project leader: Professor Budislav Vukas; funded by the
    Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
  • 2001 – 2002 – “Social Policy and Social Work in Croatia” („Socijalna politika i socijalni
    rad u Hrvatskoj”), project leader: Professor Vlado Puljiz; funded by the Croatian
    Ministry of Science


  • Since 2021 – Associate member of the University of Macerata’s Interdepartmental Research Center on the Adriatic and the Mediterranean (Centro interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’Adriatico e il Mediterraneo – CiRAM)
  • Since 2021 – Member of the Zagreb Law Review’s (Zagrebačka pravna revija)
    editorial board
  • Since 2020 – Legal expert to the Croatian delegation in the Coordination
    Committee for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage the area of the
    Skerki Bank and the Sicilian Channel
  • 2019-2023 – Expert Member of the Croatian delegation in the Council of the
    European Union’s Working Party on the Law of the Sea (COMAR)
  • 2018-2019 – Member of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans’ working party for the
    elaboration of a legislative bill on missing persons in the Homeland War
  • Since 2017 – Member of the Croatian Commission for the Implementation of the
    Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
    (14 May 1954), including the First and Second Protocols to the Convention
  • 2011-2015 – Member of the expert group formed by the Ministry of Foreign and
    European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia which prepared the legal positions of
    Croatia in the arbitral proceedings against the Republic of Slovenia regarding the
    maritime and land boundary between the two states


  • Since 2016 – Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer (AssIDMer)
  • Since 2014 – International Law Association (ILA; individual member)
  • Since 2008 – Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences (associate member)
  • Since 1999 – Croatian Society of International Law (National Branch of the
    International Law Association)


Languages: Croatian; German, English and French



  1. Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Seršić, Maja; Šošić, Trpimir Mihael (eds.)
    Contemporary Developments in International Law – Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas
    // Brill-Nijhoff, Leiden, 2016.
  2. Vukas, Budislav; Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    International Law: New Actors, New Concepts – Continuing Dilemmas. Liber Amicorum
    Božidar Bakotić // Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2010.

Articles and Book Chapters

  1. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    The Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage beyond the Exclusive Jurisdictional Reach
    of Coastal States / Caligiuri, A.; Cataldi, G.; Ros, N. (eds.), L’évolution du droit de la mer:
    Réflexions à l’occasion du 20ème anniversaire de l’AssIDMer (2001-2021)/The Evolution
    of the Law of the Sea: Reflections for the 20th AssIDMer Anniversary (2001-2021) //
    Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2023, pp. 175-188.
  2. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    The Future Treaty on Marine Biological Diversity beyond National Jurisdiction, Protected
    Areas and Freedom of Navigation in the Context of the ”Maritime Silk Road” / Caligiuri, A.;
    Pollastrelli, S. (eds.), Law and Security along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road //
    Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2021, pp. 65-78.
  3. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    Međunarodnopravna zaštita kulturne baštine dubokog podmorja – ima li spasa
    ”Titanicu”? / Pravni vjesnik, vol. 36 (2020), no. 2, pp. 75-99.
  4. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    Neki aspekti dužnosti pružanja pomoći na moru u kontekstu migrantskih kretanja morem
    / Barbić, J. (ed.), Položaj migranata u međunarodnom i europskom pravu // Hrvatska
    akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2020, pp. 51-66.
  5. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    Plovidbena prava prema Konvenciji Ujedinjenih naroda o pravu mora i morski pojasevi
    Republike Hrvatske / Zagrebačka pravna revija, vol. 8 (2019), no. 3, pp. 237-258.
  6. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    Izbjeglice na moru: jurisdikcijski prijepori u svjetlu Konvencije o pravu mora i Konvencije
    o pravnom položaju izbjeglica / Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 67 (2017), no.
    3-4, pp. 627-654.
  7. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    The 2001 UNESCO Convention and the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in
    the Adriatic and Ionian Seas / Caligiuri, A. (ed.), Governance of the Adriatic and Ionian
    Marine Space // Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2016, pp. 119-136.
  8. Šošić, Trpimir Mihael
    The 24-Mile Archaeological Zone: Abandoned or Confirmed? / Wolfrum, R; Seršić, M.;
    Šošić, T. M. (eds.), Contemporary Developments in International Law – Essays in Honour of
    Budislav Vukas // Brill-Nijhoff, Leiden, 2016, pp. 305-327.

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