The Comparative Maritime Law journal has an open access (OA) policy, allowing free access to its articles immediately upon publication. This practice stems from the belief that the public availability of research findings encourages the dissemination of knowledge and ideas. Articles published in the journal can be freely used for any purpose provided the copyrights of the authors and the publisher are respected. The Creative Commons CC BY-ND licence defines the rights to use the works, enabling free downloading and sharing of texts with attribution to the author and publisher, as well as accurate citation of the source. It is important to note that the works may not be altered, copied, or used in other ways, except with proper attribution to the source and for non-commercial purposes.

The availability of the full text in the latest printed issue is not time-restricted at the discretion of the editorial board. It is important to emphasise that authors are not charged any fees before or after the publication of their works, and readers are not required to pay for downloading articles. This practice is made possible through the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Education, the Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and sponsors. All mentioned measures are aimed at promoting the free sharing of scientific information and enhancing the accessibility of knowledge within the community.

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