On the 8th of February 2018, in the palace of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, a round table titled “The Legal Framework for the Ports of Nautical Tourism” will be held. The event is organised by the Scientific Council for Government Administation, Judicature and the Rule of Law of the Academy under the chairmanship of Prof. Jakša Barbić, PhD, the Vice-President of the Academy in cooperation with the Adriatic Institute. The aim is to present and discuss the current de lege ferenda proposals prepared within the DELICROMAR project, that will greatly affect the ports of nautical tourism and marina industry and which are currently discussed within the Expert Committees of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia preparing the drafts for the revision of the Maritime Code and the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act, as the two main pieces of marine legislation in Croatia. The event is organised within the DELICROMAR research project of the Adriatic Institute. 

The programme of the round table is as follows: 

1. Ivo Bašić, Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism:

“The relevance and the role of nautical tourism in future development of tourism in Croatia” 

2. Nina Perko, PhD, Head of the Department for the Administration of the Maritime Domain, Port and Concession System, the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure:

“Do you wish to have a marina? Procedure de lege lata” 

3. Vesna Skorupan Wolff, PhD, senior research fellow, – Asst. Prof. Adriana Vincenca Padovan, PhD, research fellow, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Adriatic Institute:

“Contract of berth de lege ferenda” 

4. Prof. Gordan Stanković, PhD, Law Firm Vukić, Jelušić, Šulina, Stanković, Jurcan & Jabuka, Rijeka – Asst. Prof. Tuhtan Grgić, PhD, Faculty of Law University in Rijeka:

“The repercussions of including the value of investment in the structures buils on Maritime Domain in determining the amount of share capital within the process of transition from  social enterprise to corporation” 

Coffee break

5. Prof. Ranka Petrinović, PhD – Asst. Prof. Nikola Mandić, PhD, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University in Split:

“Public competencies of the concessionaire of the port of nautical tourism”

6. Asst. Prof. Adriana Vincenca Padovan, research fellow, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Adriatic Institute:

“Legal solutions de lege ferenda for the abandoned vessels in the ports of nautical tourism”
