We are proud to announce that ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, has included our journal, Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law, in the list of scientific journals specialized in field 12 (Juridical sciences) and classified it as a Class A journal in field 12/E3 (Maritime Law).

This significant recognition for the work of the Adriatic Institute and its associates will strengthen scientific collaboration between Italy and Croatia, in particular between our journal and Italian scientists, legal experts, and professionals in the field of maritime law. We are deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed their expertise to Poredbeno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law: authors, reviewers, the editorial team, and the Publishing Department of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 

We are especially grateful to Professor Alfredo Antonini from the University of Udine, with whose recommendation the process of evaluation and classification of our journal was formally initiated at ANVUR, and to Professor Daniele Casciano from the University of Udine, who was a great support in the preparation of documentation and the application to the ANVUR’s tender in November 2021.

Prof. Antonini and Prof. Casciano are valuable members of the international editorial board of our journal and dear colleagues and friends of the Adriatic Institute.