KEYWORDS: international law; delimitation of land and maritime areas; international adjudication; state succession; international criminal law.


Croatia acquired its independence in 1991. However, except with Hungary, it has not yet fixed its boundaries with other neighbouring states. It has a serious dispute with Slovenia regarding the delimitation of maritime areas. Al¬though the 2001 Vienna Agreement on Succession Issues entered into force in May 2004, Serbia still unlawfully keeps large parts of state archives and some movable properties of the former SFRY. There are several unresolved issues of its relations with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, etc.

The main aim of this project is the ascertainment of legal rules applicable on Croatia in the related domains, and thereby a better protection of its legal rights and interests in international intercourse. The final settlement of these and other issues are necessary steps in the process of building up of the international legal personality of the Repu¬blic of Croatia.

Project financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.