KEYWORDS: maritime law; the law of the sea; international conventions; judicial and arbitral practice; protection of the environment; safety of navigation; maritime transport; ship; persons in maritime law; maritime delimitations.


The aim of this project is the creation of a doctrinal background for further maritime legislation in the Republic of Croatia, especially through the unification of legal rules of maritime states and the incorporation of some adopted solutions in our municipal legal system. Having in view the “Adriatic orientation” of Croatia in its economic and social development, the development of its maritime law is of utmost importance, especially when tourist industry; safety of vessels and navigation; training of crews; fishing industry; and the protection of maritime environment are concerned. The maritime legislation, which is at present in force in Croatia, is not inferior to the legislation in other maritime states, such as the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Scandinavian countries, etc. The Croatian Parliament has enacted the Maritime Code in 1994. Its text is in its largest part the result of long-term efforts of the Adriatic Institute. This Code, however, necessitates other laws and regulations.

In spite of undisputed qualities of our Maritime Code, a permanent survey and research of maritime legislation in other countries, as well as of new international conventions and the practice of municipal and international courts are of utmost importance. Some domains, such as the protection of the environment; safety of navigation; insurance; etc., need new solutions and new legal developments. Croatia cannot disregard the research of developments of law and practice in other Maritime States and at the international level. The purpose of this project is therefore a permanent survey and analysis of developments in municipal law; foreign maritime private law; and the law of the sea, in order to harmonize our national legislation with international trends. The specific purpose of this project is especially a continuous survey of the practice of domestic and international courts and tribunals, of legislation of other states, and of international instruments. The results of our research are continuously translated and published in the periodical of our Institute “Uporedno pomorsko pravo = Comparative Maritime Law”. Hence, it is made available to legal divisions of our Government agencies, of our enterprises, and of our faculties.

Project financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.