The event is dedicated mainly to PhD students and post-PhD researchers, but it is also open to the active participation of qualified lawyers in the field of Maritime, Transport and International Trade Law.

The workshops, under the supervision of Professor Rhidian Thomas, who will chair all the sessions of the event, will allow “young academics” (both PhD students and young post-PhD) or qualified lawyers to report on their research, giving 20 minutes each, followed by a discussion of 10 minutes. Advanced law students interested are allowed to hear reports, and if necessary intervene with questions.

During the event, participants will have excellent networking opportunities to improve or extend their international academic and professional contacts in the fields of Maritime, Port and Transport Law.

Fees: no fees to participate, but no reimburses of the participants’ expenses.

Lectio magistralis: two Full Professors, one for each day, will hold a 2 hours lectio magistralis during each morning (except Saturday).

Masterclass: the lectio magistralis will be followed by a 45 minutes masterclass held each day (except Saturday) by an Associate Professor or a Senior Assistant Professor.

Publication: since the five collective volumes published in the last four years with the articles of all participants have been appreciated positively by the international community of Scholars in Maritime and Transport Law, the organisers decided to continue on the same path to publish the papers of all the participants in a volume of a well known book series in Maritime and Transport Law, “Il Diritto Marittimo – Quaderni”. 

A section will be devoted to issues concerning the matter of Ports (both from the side of infrastructures and from the one of the services).

Examples of relevant issues related to that matter can be:

  • Port Authorities and port administration;
  • Terminal operation and management;
  • port services;
  • technical-nautical services: pilotage, mooring, towage and boat services;
  • safety and security in the port areas;
  • distribution parks and logistics;
  • port labour;
  • environmental issues;
  • maritime domain and the regime of coastal areas activities, etc.

However, topics not related to the matter of Ports will be accepted as well.


– within April 30th registration is to be made, including the topic chosen by each participant and the abstract (in order to enroll it will be sufficient to send an email to or, with the title of the presentation and the abstract);

– within May 31st the drafts of the participants’ papers are to be sent by e-mail to the same address, in order to be distributed among the other participants;

– within July 9th the final versions of the participants’ papers are to be sent to by e-mail to the same address for the publication. The final papers should be preferably between 7.000 and 10.000 words each; all papers are subject to the double blind peer review procedure.

For all further questions please contact:

Adjunct Professor Massimiliano Musi ;

Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche 
Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna