Prof. MARTIN DAVIES, D.C.L. (Oxon.), M.A. (Oxon.), LL.M. (Harv.)

Tulane University Law School
6329 Freret St
New Orleans LA 70118, USA


Born 1965. (London, UK)


  • 1978 – B.A. (Jurisprudence), University of Oxford
  • 1979 – B.C.L., University of Oxford
  • 1980 – LL.M., Harvard Law School
  • 1983 – M.A., University of Oxford
  • 2022 – D.C.L., University of Oxford


  • 1980-1981 – Lecturer, Nottingham University, U.K.
  • 1983-1989 – Lecturer, University of Western Australia
  • 1989-1995 – Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Monash University
  • 1995-2000 – Harrison Moore Professor of Law, University of Melbourne
  • 2000-present – Admiralty Law Institute Professor of Law, Tulane University Law School
  • 2004-present – Director, Tulane Maritime Law Center
  • Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore (2004, 2008, 2009), Università degli Studi Cagliari (2007, 2008), Baku State University (2014, 2015), Dalian Maritime University (2016)


  • Titulary Member, Comité Maritime International (2019)
  • Member, Maritime Law Association of the United States (2000-present)
  • Member, Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (1989-2000)
  • Associate Member, American Bar Association (2000-present)


  1. Davies, Martin; Dickey, Q. C. Anthony Shipping Law.
    Thomson Reuters, 4th ed., 2016.
  2. Davies, Martin; Force, Robert; Yiannopoulos, A. N. Admiralty and Maritime Law: Practitioner’s Edition, 2 volumes. Beard Books, 2nd ed., 2019, 2021.
  3. Davies, Martin; Snyder, David V.
    International Transactions in Goods: Global Sales in Comparative Context. Oxford University Press, 2014.
  4. Davies, Martin; Bell, Andrew; Brereton Paul; Douglas, Michael
    Nygh’s Conflict of Laws in Australia. LexisNexis Butterworths, 10th ed., 2019.

Many articles and book chapters on aspects of maritime law, private international law, international sale of goods.


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