Università di Bologna Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche Via Zamboni 22
40125 Bologna, Italia

Zunarelli – Studio Legale Associato
Via Santo Stefano 43
40125 Bologna, Italia


  • Full Professor of Maritime and Transportation law at ALMA MATER STUDIORUM, University of Bologna
  • He is widely acknowledged as one of the most skillful legal experts in the field of Maritime Law, Transportation Law and Air Law
  • He has taken part – on behalf of the Italian Government – in meetings and activities of the international organizations of his area of expertise (IMO, UNCITRAL and UNCTAD), by contributing to the drafting of several international Conventions in the maritime and transportation fields
  • In 1991 he was the Visiting Professor of Maritime Law, Instituto Europeo de Derecho Maritimo, Gijon (Spain)
  • In 1994 Visiting Professor of Derecho de los transportes, Universitad Externado de Colombia, Bogotà (Colombia)
  • From 1998 to 2004 he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna
  • From 2007 to 2013 he has been the President of the Ravenna Campus of the University of Bologna
  • From 2011 to 2013 he has been the Coordinator of the Curriculum in Transport law of the PhD in Stato Persona e Servizi nell’ordinamento europeo e internazionale (State, Person and Services into the European and international  legal system), activated by the Department of Law of the University of Bologna
  • From 2001 to 2012 he has been Coordinator of the PhD in European Transport  Law, activated by the same Department in association with the University of Barcelona, Nantes, Southampton, Oslo and Sassari
  • Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Curriculum in Maritime and Transport Law of the PhD in Juridical Sciences, activated by the Department of Law of the University of Bologna


  • He is the Deputy Editor of the Review Il Diritto Marittimo (IT) and of the book series Il Diritto Marittimo – Quaderni
  • He is a member of the Editorial Board of the reviews The Journal of International  Maritime Law, Anuario de Derecho Maritimo, European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, Revista de Derecho del Transporte, Diritto dei trasporti, Rivista italiana di Diritto del turismo, Rivista di Diritto della Navigazione and Trasporti
  • Moreover, he is Director of the book series Quaderni del corso di perfezionamento Master in diritto ed economia dei trasporti e della logistica and Diritto e pratica dei trasporti


  • Comité Maritime International – Titulary Member
  • Italian Maritime Law Association (AIDIM) – Vice President


  • He has authored three books and many articles in Italian and international reviews in the area of maritime, port, aviation, airport and land carriage activities regulation.

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